How do I include a Films on Demand video in Canvas?
Last Updated: Jul 17, 2023     Views: 55


You can go into Films on Demand to find your video's link, but you can also link to videos, and even embed them, without leaving Canvas.

Here's how:


Locate the Films on Demand icon in the Canvas rich text editor toolbar

  1. In your Canvas course start a discussion post, assignment, etc.
  2. At the top of the rich text editor toolbar (where you type), click the Films on Demand icon.
  3. In the pop-up window, search for the video or segment you want.
  4. Next to your video, open the Embed menu, and choose either Record URL (which provides the link to copy) or an embed option, which makes the video viewable without leaving Canvas. 

Embed menu in Films on Demand search in Canvas


You can also get the video link by going into Films on Demand. Here's how: