I am a faculty member. What are the Information Literacy Models at Delaware County Community College? Last Updated: Jul 17, 2023 Views: 43
In order to promote information literacy at the college, Delaware County Community College librarians use the following five models:
- Faculty Delivered Information Literacy Instruction
- Self-paced Online Tutorials
- Faculty Partnership for Integration
- Optional For-Credit Course (DPR 116)
- Traditional “One-shot”
- I am faculty and want to know what kind of library instruction is available for my class? (https://learningcommons.dccc.edu/ilfacultytoolkit)
In order to promote information literacy education at Delaware County Community College, faculty librarians utilize seven models. While each model offers students the skills, knowledge, and abilities necessary to succeed academically, it is important to utilize all seven models to ensure every student at Delaware County Community College has the opportunity to become information literate. Each model utilized by Library Services offers students a secondary step to continue to pursue information literacy education.
Ø Course Integrated Information Literacy Instruction
Course-integrated instruction is the heart of Library Services’ information literacy program. These “one-shot” classes are delivered by faculty librarians’ in-person or using video conferencing software. Teaching faculty initiate these classes with the goal of meeting the course-level learning competencies.
Ø Self-paced Online Information Literacy Tutorial
Library Services offers a self-paced online tutorial that gives students the option of learning at their own pace. The tutorial is designed with multiple stand-alone sections to promote various entry points. The tutorial can be used in regular instruction or as reinforcement for previously learned material. This form accommodates distance learners and any student for whom the classroom format is unsuitable.
Ø Non-credit Workshops (Seminars, Webinars, and Simulcasts)
Each semester Library Services offer both online webinars, in-person seminars, and simulcasts (that combine both modalities in one session) that focus on specific information literacy learning goals. These workshops offer students the opportunity to engage in the learning process through exercises and activities. Students who complete three workshops are awarded a Certificate of Achievement in Information Literacy to document their educational achievement.
Ø Credit-bearing Class
Faculty librarians offer an optional for-credit information literacy course that focuses on developing research skills through the use of resources provided by Library Services. Currently, this course is DPR 116: Introduction to Online Research Strategies.
Ø Teaching Faculty Delivered Information Literacy Instruction
Faculty librarians collaborate with interested faculty and provide guidance on how to teach their own information literacy sessions in their courses. Faculty are instructed through workshops and individual liaisons.
Ø Faculty Partnership (Course Embedded Librarian)
Faculty librarians meet with faculty during the planning process for a new course or for an assignment. Librarians contribute to faculty decisions on the methods and goals used to integrate information literacy into a specific curriculum. Faculty members, with the assistance of librarians, choose which model of delivery is best for their class. Information literacy content is completely integrated into the course as reflected in the syllabus.
Ø Reference and Research Services
Faculty Librarians at Delaware County Community College use reference and research interactions at the reference desk or through virtual chat as a teachable moment. While students approach this interaction to meet specific information or educational needs, faculty librarians work with the student to learn how to meet their information needs.
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