Where can I find information about plagiarism at DCCC?
Last Updated: May 15, 2023     Views: 38


Academic Dishonesty – includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, cribbing or cheating on examinations or quizzes.

Plagiarism – unacknowledged borrowing or duplication of an author’s words or ideas whether intentional or not. Common forms:

(a) text without quotation marks or proper documentation,

(b) with documentation but without quotation marks or correct quotation

(c) in paraphrase without proper documentation.

Every incident of academic dishonesty must be reported to the provost by the faculty member. These incidents will be kept in a confidential file by the provost so that a record of the number of infractions per student is available when reports are made. This file will not be generally available for faculty review.

The privilege of withdrawal without academic penalty will be denied to students who cheat or plagiarize.

First Infraction – The faculty member gives the student an “F” on the paper or examination in question. This action could result
in a final grade for the course at least one letter grade lower than it otherwise would have been.

Second Infraction – A second infraction in either the same or another course results in an automatic “F” in the course in which the second infraction occurred. The student is dropped from the course and barred from further class participation. The dean meets with the student involved and apprises him/her of the consequences.

Third or Flagrant Infraction – A third or flagrant infraction is grounds for dismissal from the College. The student involved must
appear for a hearing before the Student Conduct and Discipline Committee. Hearing procedures include the basic elements of due process as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. The Committee submits recommendations to the provost.

Review and Appeal (for First and Second Infractions) – If the student believes he/she has been unjustly treated or over-penalized, the first level of appeal is the dean and the next is the provost. Further appeal can be made by submitting a written request for a review of the case to the Student Conduct and Discipline Committee.

(page 44 of the Student Handbook)