How do I find my tutorial badge in Canvas?
Last Updated: May 15, 2023     Views: 2855


It's in Canvas, in the Badges section of the tutorial’s course navigation menu.

From the tutorial’s Canvas course

  • Select Badges in the course navigation menu. 
  • If you’ve passed the quiz, your badge will show up as “earned.”
  • Click the badge title to view your earned badge.
  • Your name, email address, and the date you earned the badge will appear.


Your name and email address will appear with the badge.


If your badge isn’t showing up…

  1. make sure you’ve passed the quiz.
  2. make sure you're in the tutorial Canvas course (i.e. Research Fundamentals, Plagiarism, etc.), not your credit-bearing course (i.e. Eng 100, Psy 140, etc.)
  3. refresh your browser window.