There are two ways.
From your search result:
Look below the article title and other information about the article. Click the drop-down menu labeled Access options. You'll see options for PDF, Online full text, or both. Select your choice to go directly to the full article.
From the detailed record:
In your search result, click the article title.
You'll get a page with more information and tools. Online full text, PDF, or both options will be in the Access options drop-down menu.
Should I choose HTML or PDF full text in an EBSCO database?
These instructions apply to most EBSCO databases, including:
- Academic Search
- APA PsycArticles
- Business Source
- Literary Reference Center Plus
- MagillOnLiterature Plus
- MasterFILE Premier
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
- Science Full Text Select
- Vocational and Career Collection