How do I assign a library tutorial and quiz in Canvas?
Last Updated: Jul 17, 2023     Views: 281


The following Information Literacy tutorials are available as Canvas modules in their own course shells. 

  • Research Fundamentals 
  • Literature Research 
  • Copyright & Intellectual Property 
  • Plagiarism 

You can assign each tutorial and quiz by sharing its link with your students. Find each tutorial link here.

The tutorial module in each course includes three parts: 

  • an introductory note explaining the tutorial and the quiz 
  • a link to the tutorial on the Learning Commons website 
  • the Canvas-embedded quiz 

Student access to tutorials

When students click the tutorial and quiz link, they will be directed to self-enroll in the tutorial’s Canvas course. Self-enrollment is a quick and intuitive process, but if needed, you can provide students with instructions in several ways: 


Students who pass quizzes for the above tutorials will be awarded digital badges, which they will be able to access and submit in Canvas. A passing grade for these quizzes is 70%.

Badges can be submitted in the form of a unique link to a Badgr page verifying the students’ badge. Students can also generate a print or PDF a certificate.

If you assign a tutorial your students will be responsible for submitting their badges in your course.

Instructions for students on accessing and submitting their badges are on our FAQ page.